Code. Compile. Run.
Code App is a MIT-licensed desktop-class code editor for iPadOS with built-in Node.js, Python, C, C++, PHP and Java runtime.

Code App is a MIT-licensed desktop-class code editor for iPadOS with built-in Node.js, Python, C, C++, PHP and Java runtime.
Run Python or JavaScript locally and install modules with pip and npm in the integrated terminal. You can even install commands like tsc and prettier globally.
Compile C or C++ code with clang and clang++. Run PHP code or start a development server with php command. Compile and run Java code with java and javac command.
With server-side code execution, you can code in over 40 languages right on your iPad.
Code App shares most editing features found in the desktop VS Code, this includes find and replace, command palatte, Intellisense for JavaScript and TypeScript, multi-cursor and more.
Clone private repositories, commit, push or fetch changes from remote.
Preview your website with local web server. You can access the webpage on any browser with the app opened side by side.
Language / Runtime | Type | Extension |
Java (OpenJDK 8) | Local | .java |
Python (3.9.2) | Local | .py |
Node.js (18.19.0) | Local | .js |
PHP (8.3.2) | Local | .php |
C (Clang 14.0.0) | Local | .c |
C++ (Clang 14.0.0) | Local | .cpp |
Assembly (NASM 2.14.02) | Server-side | .asm |
Basic (FBC 1.07.1) | Server-side | .bas |
C (Clang 7.0.1) | Server-side | .c |
C++ (Clang 7.0.1) | Server-side | .cpp |
C (GCC 7.4.0) | Server-side | .c |
C++ (GCC 7.4.0) | Server-side | .cpp |
C (GCC 8.3.0) | Server-side | .c |
C++ (GCC 8.3.0) | Server-side | .cpp |
C (GCC 9.2.0) | Server-side | .c |
C++ (GCC 9.2.0) | Server-side | .cpp |
C# (Mono | Server-side | .cs |
COBOL (GnuCOBOL 2.2) | Server-side | .cob |
Common Lisp (SBCL 2.0.0) | Server-side | .lsp |
D (DMD 2.089.1) | Server-side | .di |
Elixir (1.9.4) | Server-side | .ex |
Erlang (OTP 22.2) | Server-side | .erl |
Fortran (GFortran 9.2.0) | Server-side | .f90 |
Go (1.13.5) | Server-side | .go |
Haskell (GHC 8.8.1) | Server-side | .hs |
Java (OpenJDK 13.0.1) | Server-side | .java |
JavaScript (Node.js 12.14.0) | Server-side | .js |
Kotlin (1.3.70) | Server-side | .kt |
Lua (5.3.5) | Server-side | .lua |
Objective-C (Clang 7.0.1) | Server-side | .m |
OCaml (4.09.0) | Server-side | .ml |
Octave (5.1.0) | Server-side | .oct |
Pascal (FPC 3.0.4) | Server-side | .pas |
Prolog (GNU Prolog 1.4.5) | Server-side | .pl |
R (4.0.0) | Server-side | .r |
Ruby (2.7.0) | Server-side | .rb |
Rust (1.40.0) | Server-side | .rs |
Scala (2.13.2) | Server-side | .scala |
SQL (SQLite 3.27.2) | Server-side | .sql |
Swift (5.2.3) | Server-side | .swift |
Visual Basic.Net (vbnc | Server-side | .vb |